Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Getting Started–Allegro Tutorials

This lesson will initialize allegro, set up keyboard support, show an empty screen and wait for a keypress - then quit.
Here is the first line. You must include the allegro header file or else nothing will work!
#include <allegro.h> // You must include the Allegro Header file

Make sure that main always looks like the following. Don't worry if you aren't used to it, soon enough you will memorize this.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
Next, we will initialize Allegro. This will set up all the components it needs in order to run. This function basically does all the hard stuff for you.
allegro_init(); // Initialize Allegro
Now that Allegro is initialized we will want to set up an input device so the user will be able to control how the program will execute. For this program we want to include support only for the keyboard. This function will set up all keyboard related functions and variables.
install_keyboard(); // Initialize keyboard routines
Ok. Almost everything is set up and ready to roll. There is one more part that needs to be done before we can process any kind of output to the user: setting up the screen. This next part can be a little tricky, and may take some time to get used to.

set_gfx_mode will set the graphics mode that you will use in your program. Here is what each paramater is:
set_gfx_mode(GRAPHICS MODE, Width, Height, Virtual Width, Virtual Height);
  • Using GFX_AUTODETECT for a graphics mode will set everything for you, using the machine's preinstalled drivers.
  • The width and the height are simple that, the width and the height of the screen.
  • The V_Width and V_Height are the virtual (not visible) width and height of the screen. (We don't need to worry about these for the moment, so entering zeros will just create NO virtual screen.)
set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, 640,480,0,0); // Change our graphics mode to 640x480
This almost concludes Lesson 1. Now the screen will change to the desired resolution. In order to see the effect, we need to stall the program for a moment. This next function simply waits for any keypress from the keyboard. Once a key is presed it will then continue through the program.
readkey(); // Wait untill a key is pressed
After the key is pressed, we must tell the program that everything executed without error and then exit.
return 0; // Exit with no errors
We are not done yet, however. There is still one more thing that needs to be done. This part is very important. In every allegro program you write, you must include this function. The following function is Allegro specific - and your programs will not work unless it is found right after the closing bracket of your main function.
END_OF_MAIN() // This must be called right after the closing bracket of your MAIN function.
This concludes Lesson 1. You now know how to set up an allegro environment and change the resolution of the screen. This is an important component in all allegro programs. You will use it in every program in the future.

Complete Code:
   1:  #include <allegro.h> // You must include the Allegro Header file
   2:  int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
   3:  {
   4:          allegro_init(); // Initialize Allegro
   5:          install_keyboard(); // Initialize keyboard routines
   6:          set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, 640,480,0,0);
   7:          readkey(); // Wait untill a key is pressed
   8:          return 0; // Exit with no errors
   9:  }
  10:  END_OF_MAIN()

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